Bonus $10 Free Money sudah diberlakukan
- Mulai hari ini tanggal 28 Des 2011 untuk setiap member yang baru bergabung mulai hari ini akan mendapatkan Gratis $10 di akun mereka, dimana bisa langsung dipakai untuk membeli posisi dan menikmati profit 2% perhari selama 75hari.
- Mulai besok tanggal 29 Des 2011 untuk setiap member yang sudah bergabung tapi belum pernah membeli posisi, akan mendapatkan Bonus $10 di akun mereka, dimana bisa langsung dipakai untuk membeli posisi dan menikmati profit 2% perhari selama 75hari.
$10 Free Money itu akan dipotong di hari ke-60, anggap pinjaman investasi saat daftar sehingga Anda bisa langsung ACTION dgn membeli 1 posisi & bisa menerima Profit Pasti yg 2%-nya.
Ayo langsung ikuti cara mendaftar JSS-Tripler disini
Setelah itu ikuti panduan Cara Compound di JSS-Tripler disini dengan menggunakan $10 Free Money itu
Berikut news langsung dari JSS langsung ke email :
(^_^) JBP/JSS - Exciting Tuesday Update!
Welcome to all our new members!
Great news! The first part of the JSS-Tripler
Pay-It-Forward System has been implemented!
All members who create their JSS-Tripler
accounts for the first time get "$10 free
money" in their JSS-Tripler accounts. They
can immediately buy a JSS-Tripler position
and start earning 2% per day!
So you can tell your prospects that if they
create their new JSS-Tripler accounts, they
get "$10 free money" to get started. (Note
that after 60 days their JSS accounts will
be debited with $10.)
This can become very profitable for our
promoters, because you automatically
get $1 every time your prospect buys a
JSS-Tripler position!
We expect to implement the second part
of the JSS-Tripler Pay-It-Forward System
tomorrow. This will provide "$10 free
money" to all existing JSS-Tripler accounts
for which no JSS-Tripler positions have
been bought.
A reminder that if you're planning on
making a withdrawal to any of our payment
processors for the first time, please use
that processor to fund your account first,
even if it's for a small amount. This will
make it easier for our support staff and
may also result in your withdrawal being
paid sooner.
Ayo buruan daftar bagi yang belum pernah daftar, dapatkan Bonus $10 langsung di akun JSS-Tripler anda.
Bagi yang sudah mendaftar tapi belum pernah membeli posisi JSS-Tripler juga mendapatkan Bonus $10 langsung di akun JSS-Tripler anda.
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Neil Shaffer